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Sound Healing & Reiki

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a very gentle yet powerful way to help the body and mind restore inner balance and health. It is a holistic therapy that deeply affects the nervous system, as you are not just hearing the sound through your ears but feeling the vibrations deep within the cells, tissues, muscles, and bones.

The waves of sound vibration travel through the room and are absorbed by the body. It promotes calmness, peace, and tranquility.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing using light, hands-on touch, or over the body. It is a relaxation technique that balances the body, reduces stress, and helps the healing process inside and out. Reiki is simple, natural, and safe.

You can not ever receive too much Reiki, and it goes where needed. Reiki can do no harm. Reiki is Love. Spread it. Send it.

Receive it. Invite it. Give it. Love it!

This is such a wonderful way to start or continue your path to love you!

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Contact Healing Inside Out today to experience sound healing and Reiki.

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